post-title News from Los Cabos about the passage of the Tropical Storm Lidia

News from Los Cabos about the passage of the Tropical Storm Lidia

News from Los Cabos about the passage of the Tropical Storm Lidia

Latest news from Los Cabos about the passage of the Tropical Storm Lidia.

Los Cabos, Baja California Sur, Mexico, 01 September 2017 –  Currently, there are about 20,000 vacationers in the municipality of Los Cabos that are safe and sound, during and after, the passage of Tropical Storm Lidia, which brought heavy rains to the destination, thanks to the joint effort between the three levels of government and the Association of Hotels of Los Cabos.

Karina Corral Raygoza, Municipal Director of Tourism in Los Cabos, reported that hotel occupancy at the moment is 52%, according to the report of the AHLC by its executive president Paloma Palacios, who works in coordination with the Civil Protection Committee, for the safety of tourists.



“The tourists are being safeguarded and cared for inside the hotels. The Los Cabos International Airport is operating, however the national flights are canceled. Only some of the international flights are operating today “, said the municipal director of Tourism.

At this moment, there are 823 boats sheltered in the port of Cabo San Lucas and San José del Cabo. This week, 11 vessels arrived from abroad, which, as in the case of service providers, follow the guidelines established by the Integral Port Administration (API).

The municipal director, added that they are in constant communication with the director general of the Tourism Assistance Center (CATAC), Oscar Manríquez Palacios, who reported no incidents and remain on guard with the staff, should it be necessary to attend some of the tourist of the municipality.

“The municipality of Los Cabos is on a red alert because of tropical storm Lidia. The three levels of government and private initiative are working hand in hand to safeguard the integrity of our tourists and families who reside in the destination, as instructed by our Mayor Arturo De la Rosa Escalante, “concluded the head of Tourism.

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