post-title Officials commemorate 5 de Mayo and the 117th anniversary of the “the old lighthouse”

Officials commemorate 5 de Mayo and the 117th anniversary of the “the old lighthouse”

Officials commemorate 5 de Mayo  and the 117th anniversary of the “the old lighthouse”


The solemn Faro Viejo (old lighthouse) was the venue for the civic ceremony commemorating the 160th anniversary of the Battle of Puebla, as well as the 117th anniversary of the lighthouse; an event led by Mayor Oscar Leggs Castro, where he issued a strong and forceful message to the citizens:

“Let it be heard loud and clear, as president I will fight so that the lighthouse has free access for all, we are going to rescue our historical sites. Free access to the Old Lighthouse!”

Regarding 5 de Mayo, a date that marked one of the most glorious chapters in the history of Mexico, Oscar Leggs Castro honored the memory of men and women who, due to their courage, sacrifice, and high sense of patriotism, sacrificed their lives for the national sovereignty, thus recalling the phrase expressed in a telegram by General Ignacio Zaragoza “National arms have been covered with glory.”

The official speech was given by the municipal delegate Raymundo Zamora Ceseña, who stated that the Battle of Puebla is a historic event that marked a turning point in the history of Mexicans:

“Today the country, the state, and the municipality are facing the adversities generated by the economic crisis, social inequality, excessive growth, and violence in all its forms, therefore, the community requires us to be united, organized, and willing to work to mitigate shortcomings and solve social problems”

The president of Yenekamú A.C., Felipe de Jesús Marron Rosas, participated, who commented that it was in 1905 when this tower emitted its flash for the first time; Likewise, he highlighted that this building represents an architectural jewel that must be open for the enjoyment of all citizens, as it is a property that connects the history, origins, and development of the Baja California Sur peninsula: “We are called to defend it, seek its restoration and protection because it is a heritage of the nation from where the earth ends, but our homeland begins,”.

Luego de las intervenciones por parte de las autoridades, se llevó a cabo la develación de una obra artística, que consta de una copia en facsímil de los planos originales de construcción del Faro Viejo, la cual entregó el cronista de la ciudad Gabriel Fonseca Verdugo a la asociación Yenekamú, para que a su vez pueda exhibirse en instituciones educativas y museos de la entidad.

After the interventions by the authorities, a piece of art was unveiled, consisting of a facsimile copy of the original construction plans of the Old Lighthouse, which the city chronicler Gabriel Fonseca Verdugo delivered to the Yenekamú association so that in turn it can be exhibited in educational institutions and museums of the entity.

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