In an event brought to Los Cabos by Coparmex, Engineer Jesús Eduardo Tobías Páder Jesús Tobías, Author therapist and lecturer motivational gave a lecture of one of his most renowned works, Los 7 códigos de la Felicidad (The 7 Keys to Happiness), in Playa Grande Hotel’s Auditorium, located on Boulevard Paseo de la Marina, Cabo San Lucas.
In this book and conference, he talks about what means to be happy and how to achieve that state it is necessary to take care of what surrounds people, take care of inner beauty, take care of education, take care of work, take care of children, take care of beliefs and take care of time. If people manage to balance these 7 principles, he says, they will achieve full happiness. The subject is complemented by Jesús Tobías’s honest and passionate speech that brings home every point, and remarks with severity in points that shod not be overlooked.
Jesús Tobías is the author of the books Créalo, Diversos, Diversos 2, El burro, The 7 codes of happiness and Arriving at the heart. His experiences around the world as an engineer, inventor, entrepreneur, writer, and speaker have allowed him to develop his abilities to help people create their destinies. Some people have valued Jesús Tobías’ conferences as the most transcendent they have witnessed in their lives.
By the end of the event, multiple buy pregabalin people approached Engineer Jesús Tobías to share their own experiences, and share with him how much the talk had spoken to them directly.
This event marks a new success for COPARMEX in bringing powerful voices and meaningful subjects to Los Cabos, helping the community by allowing them to interact with information that will aid them in bettering themselves and those around them.