Cuadra San Francisco

Cuadra San Francisco Equestrian Center

Cabo Real, Los Cabos Corridor between Cabo San Lucas and San Jose del Cabo in Cabo Real, next to the Cabo Real Golf Course, Los Cabos

cuadra-san-francisco-cabo-02Los Cabos’ Best Kept Secret:  The Only Professional Equestrian Center.  A World Class Horse Facility and World Class Trainers in Los Cabos, Mexico.

Cuadra San Francisco was founded by  Francisco J Barrena in October 1994. He has over 50 years of experience in the training of all disciplines of horses and riders.  People come from all over to take lessons with Valente J Barrena and take private trail rides.  Open every day except Sunday.

Cuadra San Francisco Equestrian Center


km 19.5 Carreterra Transpeninsular,  Colonia Cabo Real,
San Jose del Cabo, Los Cabos, BCS, Mexico

Local phone 144 0160   –  Call from US 011.52.624.144 0160

Cell phone for Alejandrina Rangel de Barrena  local call 044.624.191 4777

Cell phone for Valente F. Barena local call 044.624.191.4776
from US 011 52 624.191 4776


E mail:

Cuadra San Francisco Equestrian Center, Cabo San Lucas – 04 February, 2021 – JAT










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